A little access goes a long way.

I help industry professionals, educators, and students deliver accessible digital solutions.

If you’re interested in Accessibility and how it affects you, your organization, or your customers, I can help you understand the scope of digital accessibility, demystify the legal conformance requirements (WCAG 2.1), and provide clear guidance on how to achieve your Accessibility goals.

Building accessible applications and digital experiences helps you reach millions more loyal consumers. Accessibility is about participation. When we remove the barriers to participation, everyone benefits.

With two decades of industry and instructional experience, I’ll show you how to bring effective and efficient Accessibility practices into your Product Design and Development teams…and reduce rework in the process. Over my career in product development and UX, I’ve worked with teams at Dell, IBM, Cigna, Visa, and USAA in creating market leading products that exceed user expectations, while driving value for the business. This work now includes Accessibility. The simplest way to explain it — Accessibility is not extra work, it’s part of the work.

While Accessibility is a moral imperative, it has legal implications, too. I’ll share with you and your team the important cases and legal precedents, such as the 2012 amendment to Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act. We’ll also review the guidelines used to determine conformance to the WCAG standards. Consultation on Accessibility is focused on preventing legal action. Should you ever be involved in a legal matter, please consult a licensed attorney.

Picture of the famous University of Texas Clock Tower, lit up at night time in burnt orange lighting.

The famous clock tower at the University of Texas at Austin.

In addition to working for many of the top companies in the world, I authored (and teach) the graduate and undergraduate Accessibility courses at the University of Texas at Austin. We were the first to offer Accessibility curriculum in the state of Texas, and the program has already produced over 120 trained Accessibility experts, and another 15 certified by CPACC. I mentor the students and proctor the CPACC exam, too. If you or your team are interested in CPACC certification, I’m happy to help.

Do your best until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.
— Maya Angelou